Cloth Diapering

Friday, April 22, 2011

Spring Shoot

Yesterday I photographed  the darling children of a dear friend. The pictures are wonderful and I am getting better all the time. I take my time, give myself some grace and have fun. I still have so much to learn in photographery, which is good because I don't ever want to be bored and my camera starts to collect dust, unused, unloved.

What I do know is that I like on location photography. Sure I don't have a studio (nor the money to put one together, or the space for that matter) but I am outdoor girl. I love the air, the light, the moment.

Being outside lends an opportunity to let the kids and adults find their groove too. Less confinement and more space to just be. Here, Grace was just plain being silly with her mom's sunglasses and never expected a photo opportunity as we had started to pack up, but then I had an idea and we had a little fun with her look.

I love capturing the look of pure love. Warms my heart.

These two are best buds. I hope forever, but I'll take for now (and the last 2 years). They are wild and they are funny, and they truly enjoy hanging together. But Lord save us from their diabolical minds!

In the end, it was a fun opportunity to experience spring in all her glory of color and vibrancy.