Cloth Diapering

Friday, March 25, 2011

I have three boys. And now a puppy. Let's Pray.

I've been missing for a good reason. We adopted a puppy a month ago.

Originally, I had planned to adopt a young cat to add to our family. We have a kitty named Sweet-Pea we had adopted before marriage about 9 years ago, but she is a scaredy-cat and rarely is seen by the children. Our friendly kitty, Elsie passed away suddenly from kidney complications last year, so I figured it was time to add a pet to the family for the boys' sake.

And we ended up with a puppy. Go figure!

She was an abandoned pup from a litter of three, adopted from the local Humane Society. As soon as I saw her I knew she was the one. She had just the right amount of curiosity and submissive behavior. And after a month with us she has just wormed her way into the fabric of our lives with joy and chewing. Oh, did I mention the chewing yet? It is the most aggravating part of puppy hood for this pet-owner, but we are moving through, one tooth at a time.

Our pup's name is Hanna.

She fits smoothly into our pack.
 She is just growing and romping around all the time with the boys. Sometimes they love it. Sometimes they can do without. But she is learning and so are we.

Heck, I figured I already have three puppies, what's one more? And to be completely honest, my three year old, Gavin is far more destructive than the puppy.

She is already bonding with them. So much so that she even sat in Time Out with Joshua. How cute is that?

So my recommendation? Adopt a pet from your local shelter. These pups need good homes and are ever so happy to have one that will love them and guide them through life. And our reward? Undying faith and loyalty to their pack.

Welcome to the pack, Miss Hanna.